
Ballrooms Of Mars - T.REX

You gonna look fine
Be primed for dancing
You're gonna trip and glide
All on the trembling plane
Your diamond hands
Will be stacked with roses
And wind and cars
And people of the past

I'll call you thing
Just when the moon sings
And place your face in stone
Upon the hill of stars
And gripped in the arms
Of the changeless madman
We'll dance our lives away
In the Ballrooms of Mars

You talk about day
I'm talking 'bout night time
When the monsters call out
The names of men
Bob Dylan knows
And I bet Alan Freed did
There are things in night
That are better not to behold

You dance
With your lizard leather boots on
And pull the strings
That change the faces of men
You diamond browed hag
You're a glitter-gaunt gangster
John Lennon knows your name
And I've seen his


答應了要幫忙教練班 今天要開會但人在苗栗 因為想省略開車的奔波
突然起了念頭 想說不能去開會了 然後有點決的說 7 月大部分的時間都不在台北 所以無法幫什麼忙

後來想了想還是開車上台北開會 因為答應的事情要違背真的很不好 心理不蘇坦
開完會也告知我 7 月的時間安排 很好調度 看起來沒什麼問題

只要念頭是好的 結局就不會錯太多 加油!